TQ follow saya =)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

JOM Support "NO PLASTIC BAG" Campaign!!!!

Mse awal January ritu, aku g la The Store. Then aku tgk kat kaunter, No Plastic Bag on Saturday.
huh. dpn aku ade pakcik sorg ni beli aiskrim bnyk... pas bayar die pgg bwk blik gune tgn je.. =) wow.. btul2 la no plastic bag day aritu =) sume org pun tak bwk beg plastic.. just beg sniri..
n kalo nak jgak beg plastic tu kne byar RM0.20..
Bende ni sgt baik utk bumi kita =)

Let Support the Campaign Guys!!


  1. kalau pgy crefour mmg slalu bawa beg sendiri.. tp klu pgy mall, tak bawak pun.. hehe~

    p/s: tq follow saya.. ni award 4 u.. =D
    award comey lotey untuk kawan-kawan aje..



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